Meet Rob

"My purpose is not in what I do, but rather what happens within others when I do it.

There I was, minding my own business, then it happened.

 I reached for my glass of Merlot one Sunday afternoon and thought, “I’m exhausted, and life should not be exhausting!” I wasn’t happy with things around me. Life wasn’t working out the way I had planned. My marriage was failing, my wife wasn’t the same person I married, or so I thought. My business wasn’t performing even close to my expectations. I was tired and at my wit’s end. I needed something new. But what?

I blamed everything and everyone for my life not working out the way I had planned. Funny how blaming others doesn’t make things better. It felt empty and without power.

I can still feel my emotion from that day. I felt lost and somewhat hopeless as I threw up my hands and yelled to the sky, “I give up! I’m done! Show me a new perspective! I need something new!” And, by golly, a new perspective I got. A small insight opened what soon became a huge door to a whole new world.

My life changed that day. Forever. It was in that moment I felt a gut-tug to completely Flip my thinking. And I mean a RADICAL flip!


Rather than continuing to dwell on how she wasn’t pulling her weight in the marriage, I began detailing how I wasn’t pulling mine. What a shift, to own my behavior without making her own hers! This was a breakthrough that required back-seating my ego, but the eventual payoff for doing so was enormous. When I got out of my own way, I learned things about myself and about love I would have never thought of before.

I applied this FLIP principle to my business and that shift set my career on a new path. 

From simple flips I GAINED POWER; Power to start creating what I wanted rather than belly-aching about what I didn’t have while waiting for my world around me to change.

Everything in my life seemed to change that day when my thinking changed. That fresh perspective gave me new insights that prompted new choices, which in turn spawned new results. In EVERYTHING.

Wayne Dyer’s quote became crystal clear: “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”


I’ve become totally enthralled with how enjoyable life is since I “rethunk” things. I discovered exactly how my thinking has been stopping me from having the life I want. I never thought about what I think about. I had never considered the power my thinking has over my reality.

I invite you to join me and consider the same for your life. My passion and purpose are to help you live and love on a level you were designed for. My MORE is your MORE.

And speaking of MORE, I would love to share more of my discoveries…



My Mission

To stir, incite, and inspire, inviting you to live with the vitality and full-color gusto our Maker has uniquely designed for each of us.


My Vision

I see marriages healed, dreams realized, and families restored. I see an awakening as folks begin to remember who they are and WHOSE they are. Yes! I claim that vision.

My Core Values

My Prayer

Lord open the ears, eyes, and hearts of each visitor here, to catch a glimpse of You and the bodaciously abundant life you have in store for them. Help us to hear your whispers, see your miracles, and feel your nudges. Amen.

Based in Sugar Land, Texas