Meet Rob More

Rob's BIG FLIP (cont)...

As I was saying, I was done. Done with finding fault in my spouse for the failing marriage. Done with finding excuses why I couldn’t make my business parallel my plans.

I learned more that day than my years in college. I understood more than ever that life has a plan of its own. It has rules that will unfold regardless of how I feel about them. The sun will rise, the Winter will end, the tides will shift and life will dance to its own rhythm.

My biggest takeaway? Mine is not to write the lyrics or the tune, but rather to dance my toosh off to the song already playing. The DJ’s got this, so relax and enjoy the dance!

That day I became the vessel, not the clog. I began doing what I needed to get out of my own way.

I started paying attention to what life was teaching me. I had been treating my life and my marriage and my relationships and finances like a chessboard, moving pieces around to deliver what I thought I needed.

But life isn’t my chessboard to manipulate, it’s my classroom from which to learn. Wow, what a wakeup call! What a ride life becomes when you’re IN the flow rather than against the flow!

My wife Franca and I are as giddy as two school kids at the roller rink, laughing and learning together. We are humbled to learn our roles in this universe. We are silenced to know more and more of our Maker who created it all. And we are both excited to share with you what we’re learning in hopes that you too will find the true meaning of this life and your unique purpose for being part of it all.

Have you ever watched a movie or eaten at a restaurant that was so incredible that you HAD to tell your friends about it? That’s how I feel with what I am experiencing in my life.

Franca and I are both enjoying the marriage we always knew was possible and the peace and success we always hoped for. We’re telling the world all about it in our Books, Podcast, Speaking, Online Courses, and in our Coaching Systems we’ve developed. Plug in, my friend. Invest in yourself; You’re worth it!

If you want a Major BOOST to your primary relationship, whether you’re married or dating, come join us for our MarriageBOOST program. It’s an incredible 9-week journey that will transform!



Wayne Dyer

My Mission

To stir, incite, and inspire, inviting you to live with the vitality and full-color gusto our Maker has uniquely designed for each of us.


My Vision

I see marriages healed, dreams realized, and families restored. I see an awakening as folks begin to remember who they are and WHOSE they are. Yes! I claim that vision.

My Core Values

My Prayer

Lord open the ears, eyes, and hearts of each visitor here, to catch a glimpse of You and the bodaciously abundant life you have in store for them. Help us to hear your whispers, see your miracles, and feel your nudges. Amen.

Based in Sugar Land, Texas