Rob Writes

Rob Writes


You’ll love Rob’s approach to everything from love to money.

36 “Stories we tell ourselves,” countered with 36 ways to flip your thinking, this book is a powerful “how to do life” read. It’s packed with everyday fresh perspectives to help you create more of the life you want.


Start your mornings off on purpose. These 5-minute daily devotionals will plug you into daily encouragement and fresh perspectives to help you make the most of your day ahead.

How you begin each day is critical to the success of your day. These 5-minute coffees with Rob are  great ways to kick-start each day.

      • Paperback
      • Hard cover
      • eBook


  • This micro book is packed with gems. The classroom didn’t give us the “how to” book on creating a lasting and fulfilling marriage & relationships. It’s no surprise how the very things we do to improve them are often stirring conflict, discord, and disconnection.

  • You can enjoy this book NOW FOR FREE! It’s a short read filled with useful tools you can use now. CLICK THE PICK AND ENJOY.

the 9-wk MarriageBOOST

  • This isn’t a book but it’s worth the mention. Give your primary relationship a BOOST. You’ll never be the same after this 9-week Zoom Coaching from Rob himself.

  • You will experience a transformation that will last a lifetime as he walks you through nine FLIPS to a marriage or relationship that’s clean, joyful, respectful, and fulfulling.

the FLIP IT book!

  • I am thrilled about this one! It’s the most easy-to-read li’l book, all about the important things in life. Short ‘n sweet, each life-topic is a two-page read, cutting right to the chase. It’s packed with rich reminders, helping you wrestle with daily life issues like fear, upset, and loneliness, as well as help you gain more joy, faith, and success. Can’t wait to get this one on the shelves!


You won’t hear these secrets anywhere else. Whether your love is new, old or in a heap-o-trouble, this is your book. It takes you back to love’s basics. Back to powerful truths and practical “flips” you may have forgotten.

The subtitle says it all, “Keep Love’s Sizzle When You Keep Love Simple.”

My Mission

To stir, incite, and inspire, inviting you to live with the vitality and full-color gusto our Maker has uniquely designed for each of us.


My Vision

I see marriages healed, dreams realized, and families restored. I see an awakening as folks begin to remember who they are and WHOSE they are. Yes! I claim that vision.

My Core Values

My Prayer

Lord open the ears, eyes, and hearts of each visitor here, to catch a glimpse of You and the bodaciously abundant life you have in store for them. Help us to hear your whispers, see your miracles, and feel your nudges. Amen.

Based in Sugar Land, Texas