bp resisting

Flip Your Struggles!

struggle today, strength tomorrow

Life works when you join its flow rather than struggling against its flow

Are you tired yet? Tired of struggling? Tired of fighting life? If so, great! Maybe it’s finally time to stop fighting. After all, no one in the history of the world has ever won a fight with life. 🙂

One of the most exciting lessons of “growing up” is realizing that life doesn’t need me to hold its hand through everything. It can actually function on its own. Imagine that!


When I’m the vessel, I allow things to happen, rather than trying to make them happen. In doing so, I set the stage for those unexplained happenstances we call miracles. God, in His usual gentlemanly fashion, doesn’t force His way in. His love is timeless and patient. When I get in the way, He seems to always give me another chance around the next corner. For that I’m humbly grateful.


Struggle is fighting to gain something or to break free from something. What if you didn’t have to fight or strive to get what you want?

Your struggle is wearing you out and robbing you of those resources you need to get what you want. It may be time to stop beating your head against the wall and consider a new path.

My garden teaches me much about this. I love growing vegetables. But I have to allow them their own timing. All I can do is prepare their soil and give them water and sun. That’s it! I could fight with them and try to make them bloom earlier. That would only waste my time, wear me out, and damage the plant. Kind of like what you and I do with life. 🙂

Learn the dance, my friend! Know the difference between your business and God’s business. It’s not difficult to discern. Your business is all about giving, not taking. It’s about gratitude for what you have. Your part is working hard to lay the supporting groundwork. God’s business is directing and clearing your pathway.

Know that there’s a purpose, a masterplan that doesn’t require your implementation. Things may not look like you want them to look. Things may not turn out your way. Thank God they didn’t. The more you let go and be the vessel and not the clog in life, the more in awe you’ll become as life reminds you time and again what’s truly best for you.

There’s a world of difference in what you want and what you need. And God smiles.

My Mission

To stir, incite, and inspire, inviting you to live with the vitality and full-color gusto our Maker has uniquely designed for each of us.


My Vision

I see marriages healed, dreams realized, and families restored. I see an awakening as folks begin to remember who they are and WHOSE they are. Yes! I claim that vision.

My Core Values

My Prayer

Lord open the ears, eyes, and hearts of each visitor here, to catch a glimpse of You and the bodaciously abundant life you have in store for them. Help us to hear your whispers, see your miracles, and feel your nudges. Amen.

Based in Sugar Land, Texas