bp communication

Flip Communication!

God gave you 2 ears and 1 mouth. Take the hint

Choosing to understand another is the greatest form of love

When I say the word “communicate,” what image immediately pops into your mind? Talking or listening?

Two energies exist; Taking & Giving. When communicating with another, which are you? Are you a taker or a giver?

Do you try to be heard or do you try to hear? What percentage of the time are you speaking vs. listening? Do you try to impress or to connect? Are your attempts to win or to resolve?

I think we all have one thing in common with communication. We want to be understood.

I challenge you to FLIP how you think about communication. To be heard, talk less. To be understood, make the effort to first understand. To change another’s point of view, start with accepting their point of view. WHAA? What did he just say?

Acceptance is key to healthy communication. Your choice to accept removes resistance from the equation. No resistance? No fight!

Here’s a clip from my book FLIP YOUR THINKING that I think you’ll enjoy. It talks about inviting change without resistance.

What do you want from your communication with another. You probably want some form of connection, ranging anywhere from a simple understanding to intimacy. How will you achieve that?

Practice the art of communication. Less reacting and more responding. Less judging and more curiosity. Less assuming and more asking. Less talking and more listening.

Practice empathetic listening. It’s love in action, and it’s a skill that fosters connection, clarity, and goodwill.

You’ll begin to notice something else quite miraculous as you sharpen your communication skills; others around you will follow suite.

My Mission

To stir, incite, and inspire, inviting you to live with the vitality and full-color gusto our Maker has uniquely designed for each of us.


My Vision

I see marriages healed, dreams realized, and families restored. I see an awakening as folks begin to remember who they are and WHOSE they are. Yes! I claim that vision.

My Core Values

My Prayer

Lord open the ears, eyes, and hearts of each visitor here, to catch a glimpse of You and the bodaciously abundant life you have in store for them. Help us to hear your whispers, see your miracles, and feel your nudges. Amen.

Based in Sugar Land, Texas