Committed but Stuck?

An incredible journey to strengthen your bond and reclaim your relationship ​

NINE STEPS to Reinvigorate!

No therapy

No counseling

IMAGINE YOUR HOME filled with joy, light, and grace.

IMAGINE A BOND without conflict and irritation.

Are you a Fit?

✓ Happily Married but can always be better?

✓ Want to bring back a little romance?

✓ Married, needing a fix?

✓ You want your dating done right?

✓ Engaged and wanting a strong start?

✓ Your relationship feels stuck

Create a Safe Place

You'll experience the freedom to express and excel when your partner creates for you a safe place.

Turn Reacting into Responding

Learning this sercet will protect you from the biggest killer of marriages.

Secrets & Techniques

Rob shares with you unique skills and methods that will bring help harmony and unity to your home of peace, respect, and edification.

Know Your Partner

You'll discover the remarkable irony of solving problems by not trying to solve the problems.

Communicate Freely & Openly

This is the vehicle to a great relationship. Practicing new skills & using new tools will bring back & foster peace and respect in your home.

The Problem is Not the Problem

Loving your partner is one thing, but understanding how they feel loved will help take your relationship to a new level of joy and satisfaction.

Now is the Time

For new beginnings!

Three decades of helping restore, refresh, and enhance relationships.
Three-time published author, speaker, podcaster.
Dozens of TV, stage, & radio appearances, hundreds of articles written on the subject.
Founder of FLIP-ology, a fresh new approach to life and love.
A fulfilling, bodacious marraige with my sweetheart Franca, living proof of this MarriageBOOST.
Above all, a passion for serving and helping others realize their God-given purpose, talent, and potential.

Rob Cross

I’m grateful you’re here. My name is Rob. I help couples communicate well. This is the secret to life and love.

I’m a regular guy from humble beginnings. I’ve failed my way to discovering answers. I got so excited about my findings that I wrote books about it. And people love them!

I’m a dad, grandpa (Baba), and a lucky hubby who somehow convinced the love of my life, Franca, to marry me years ago. Today I’m doing what I’m called to do on this God-made earth, to serve. The most important thing to know about me? I care, I truly care. I want joy and fulfillment for every soul whose path I cross.

Some of you are living in pain right now. I’ve been there. Some of your are living in mediocre-ville. I’ve been there as well. I’ll share with you the life-changing ah-ha’s and flips that have brought me to this place today. There’s hope, my friend. There’s much more to life and love than what you’re probably settling for. I don’t want you settling any longer.

My approach is unique and rather upside-down from conventional approaches. I challenge you to FLIP IT! No therapy. No counseling. Much of this course is based on my blockbuster book Flip Your Thinking. I ask great questions and provide transforming tools.

Be heard by listening more, engage by reacting less, and enjoy the peace that comes from less resisting. I’ll help you both turn the volume down  on divisive words and actions and up on what brings connection and vitality in your home.

Your solutions are simpler than you think, and almost always found where you’re not looking.

Franca and I are delighted you’re here. Let’s create the marriage you deep-down know you’re intended to live?

My gift to you...

Download My Free Micro Book!

This BOOK is packed with gems you can start using today. I want the best for you.

Step by step

How the 9-wk MarriageBOOST works?

I have designed simple yet powerful steps to get you immediate results


We'll meet via Zoom Call, I'll create an easy-going, casual environment. I insist on us having fun. Imagine having ice tea on the back porch with an old friend. 🙂


I have the questions, you have the answers. Each of the nine weeks is centered around a critical aspect of any relationship. You'll learn priceless, practical tools you can use today.


This is by far my favorite part, watching couples transform their relationships. Magic happens when you stop trying to "fix the problems" and get back to what worked from the beginning.

It's Never Too Late To Feel Loved!

Whether you're young and engaged or in a 50-year marriage, let's get you the thriving love you desire. LET'S ESTABLISH A STRONG FOUNDATION.

You'll master new, practical techniques to communicate with grace and respect. You'll begin feeling loved like never before. And when you feel loved you can conquer the world!

What About This Rob Guy?

Steve R
Steve R
✓ verified
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Rob's insights are remarkable. He always points us in a direction that no one else seems to see. I think that's his gift, being able to see what others don't. He's a different breed for sure.
Charlotte T
Charlotte T
✓ verified
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We've been enjoying Rob's easy-going style. It's so much more pleasant to have fun while you learn and grow.
Todd G
Todd G
✓ verified
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I wasted a ton of money in my past with the therapy route. Rob takes his own path and gets it done.He doesn't waste our time. He definitely sees things from a unique perspective and I like it.
Jennifer G
✓ verified
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My husband and I are grateful for Rob. What sets him apart for us is that he truly cares. That's so hard to find these days. He feels like family
✓ verified
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Dad feeds me. On time. And he pets me. He's a keeper.
Connie C
✓ verified
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I've worked with Rob for decades now. He's always been my go-to guy. He seems to always know what I need to hear and what direction I need to go. Best of all he has this loving way of keeping me honest with myself.


When you show up open, willing, and ready to learn and grow, you can expect significant lifelong changes affecting not only your marriage but every part of your life, from parenting to your career. Wayne Dyer’s words will ring true for you: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Like night and day, that’s how. I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars in my past on couples’ therapy. Here we don’t hammer on problems and issues. We “feed the turf, not the weeds.” I have witnessed miracle after miracle from feeding and expanding what connects while starving what divides. As simple as it sounds, it works! And we have fun doing it!

The deceptive part of any marriage or relationship is how time slips away as you settle into “default mode,” settling for what you have rather than pressing for what you want. I will assure you, what you’ll learn from the MarriageBOOST will positively influence every part of your life. Deeper friendships, happier parenting, and a more fulfilling primary relationship. HOWEVER, sign up only if you are willing to show up and grow.

I’m an average guy with an above-average hunger for better. I went to SFA University in Texas, I’ve owned and managed my own businesses almost my entire adult life. I have failed at past relationships and have suffered a business crash. They have been my teachers. My formal education is not in human behavior, but I honestly consider that a benefit. My non-schooling has helped me think outside the box and in doing so create constructive tools and techniques to help countless people find their joy and purpose.

I fully understand. The prospect of sharing on a Zoom call can sound disconcerting. In two second flat your concerns will begin to dissipate.  I’m a down-home guy with compassion and a gift for making folks feel at home. You’ll learn quickly how much I care.

No deep dives here! Quite the opposite. We’ve discovered how problems typically dissipate by NOT hammering on them. We’ll get busy feeding and growing what works and what connects. My process is quite enjoyable. Heck, we’ll be like old friends when we’re done. I might even be on your Christmas list!

I’m the first to admit that I used to blame my partner for most of the problems or issues in the relationship. I eventually learned how blame only exacerbates the issue while keeping the relationship stuck. You will each learn to remove blame from the equation and experience the power of owning what’s yours. In doing so you’ll set the stage for forgiveness, reconciliation, growth, and revival.

To be clear, this is not therapy.  You’ll find my style to be easy and delightful. Like fuzzy slippers. While therapy “hammers” problems and issues. my style focuses on what Connects rather than what Divides. You’ll watch “issues” evaporate with this approach.

Before we start the first session we will agree on what times best fit everyone involved, whether it be morning, noon, or night. Gosh, that was an easy question! Throw me a hard ball next time!

We do what fits your circumstance best. We find there are times when meeting as a couple is best, and times when meeting individually is best. This program is designed to custom fit your relationship.

It’s a piece ‘o cake! Easy breezy. We meet via Zoom. From your end you can access the Zoom session from your phone, laptop, pad, or computer. You’ll need to have a free Zoom account downloaded to your device. Ask Rob for further instructions if needed.

The 9-wk MarriageBOOST is designed to meet via Zoom once per week. Also Rob will send you inspiring reminder texts between sessions, and you will have access to text or email Rob between sessions.

It's time to Re-invent Your Marriage & Create what You've Always Wanted.

Pick up These Beauties by Rob, Available Now on Amazon!